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您当前的位置:首页 » 供应产品 » 天一生物现货供应余甘子提取物
产品: 浏览次数:949天一生物现货供应余甘子提取物 
品牌: 西安天一生物
商品型号: 1
产品规格: 1
单价: 1.00元/
最小起订量: 1
供货总量: 3000
发货期限: 自买家付款之日起 1 天内发货
有效期至: 长期有效
最后更新: 2017-01-12 18:30

[产品名称] 余甘子提取物Phyllanthus Emblica Extract
[植物]来源:为大戟科叶下珠属植物余甘子(Phyllanthus emblica L)的果实,余甘子属大戟科叶下珠属植物,其果鲜食酸甜酥脆而微涩,回味甘甜,故名余甘,又名喉甘子,庵罗果,牛甘果等。余甘子树耐旱耐瘠,适应性非常强,喜光喜温,目前,我国已选育或引进近10个优良品系,这些品系果实大,产量高,寿命长达百年以上;单果重15g左右,是野生的2~3倍;丰产稳产,栽后第2年即有产量,3年生株产5~10kg,第5年进入盛产期,株产30~50kg,每667m’定植110株,产量4000kg/667平方米。余甘子还有一个奇特的地方,就是果实8~9月份成熟,可在树上挂果保鲜到次年2~3月份,而不影响次年产量。余甘子也是难得的观果赏叶植物。   一般在年均温20℃左右生长良好,0℃左右即有受冻现象。我国野生分布在云南、广西、福建、海南、台湾、海南、四川、贵州等省,江西、湖南、浙江等省部分地区也有
[外观] 本品为黄棕色粉末
[规格] 比例提取物5:1,10:1
[有效成分] 余甘子提取物
[检测方法] UV
[包装方法] 常规内双层塑料袋,外纸板桶(25公斤/桶),可根据客户需要协商小包装

GMP,ISO9001,Kosher,Organic certificated
[Product Name]: Phyllanthus emblica Extract powder.
[Botanical Source]: Phyllanthus emblica l.
[Other Name]: fructus phyllanthus
[Part Used]: Fruit
[Appearance]: dark brown powder
[Concentrate ratio]: The ratio of starting crude plant material to Extract is v,by UV
between 10 and 12 .
[Water]: not more than 5.0%
[Total ash]: not more than 5%
[Package]: 25/KG per paper drum or packed with little parcel.
[Others]: Sample/ COA / MSDS are available
Amla (or Amlaka, Amlaki, or other variants) is one of the most frequently used
of the Ayurvedic herbs; it is the fruit of Phyllanthus emblica, also called
Emblica officinalis. The fruit is similar in appearance to the common gooseberry (Ribes spp., a type of currant), which is botanically unrelated to amla. However, due to the similar appearance of the fruit clusters, amla is usually called the "Indian gooseberry." The plant, a member of the Euphorbiaceae, grows to become a medium-sized tree that is found growing in the plains and sub-mountain regions all over the Indian subcontinent from 200 to nearly 2000 meters above sea level. Its natural habitat, like other members of its family, ranges from Burma in the East to Afghanistan in the West; from Deccan in south India to the foothills of the Himalayan range.

Fructus Phyllanthi Extract is one of the richest sources of natural Vitamin
C.Fructus Phyllanthi Extract is a refrigerant, diuretic, carminative and
stomachic. Amla is a wonderful cleansing agent for both the skin and
hair. Fructus Phyllanthi Extract imparts lustre to hair and protects scalp
aagainst infection, dandruff, and helps prevent and control greying of hair. For
skin,Fructus Phyllanthi Extract improves complexion and removes wrinkles. Amla is also used to treat constipation and is used as a cooling agent to reduce the effects of sun strokes and sun burns.

[Medical Function]: Phyllanthus emblica Extract has potential effects
against hepatitis B, research on has revealed possible antiviral activity also
against human immunodeficiency virus (HIV).
[Packing Detail]:
Net weight: 25Kg per Drum. Packed in two plastic-bags with paper-drum outside or as per customers request.
[Storage]:Store in a cool, dry and well-sealed container;Keep away from moisture and strong light/heat.
[Shelf life]:Two years under specified environment.
Company: Acetar Bio-Tech Inc.
Add:  Room No.810, 8F, Block B, Huajing Business Building ,No.20 Fenghui South Road, Xi`an, 710075,China
Website Keyword: acetar 
E-main: envylin@acetar.com
Fax: +86-29-62669210
Mobile: +86-15829757995
Service hotline: Mr.Lin

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