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您当前的位置:首页 » 供应产品 » 天一生物葛根提取物Pueraria Extract
天一生物葛根提取物Pueraria Extract
产品: 浏览次数:573天一生物葛根提取物Pueraria Extract 
品牌: 西安天一生物
单价: 面议
最小起订量: 1
供货总量: 5000
发货期限: 自买家付款之日起 2 天内发货
有效期至: 长期有效
最后更新: 2017-01-12 18:40

[品    名] 葛根提取物Pueraria P.E.
[产品来源] 本品为豆科植物野葛Pueraria lobata (Willd.)Ohwi的干燥根提取物。葛根来源于豆科植物野葛的干燥根。多年生落叶藤本,长达10m,全株被黄褐色粗毛。块根圆柱状,肥厚,外皮灰黄色,内部粉质,纤维性很强。生于山坡草丛路旁及疏林中较阴湿的地方。除新疆、西藏外中国各地均有销售。
[产品性状]  本品为棕黄色粉末。
[检测方法]  UV/HPLC
[有效成分]  葛根异黄酮Isoflavones
[产品含量]  以干燥品计,葛根异黄酮含量不小于40.0%。
[包装方法]  常规内双层塑料袋,外纸板桶(25公斤/桶),可根据客户需要协商小包装
[药理作用]  扩张血管,改善血液循环;降低心肌耗氧量,抑制癌细胞;增加冠脉流量,调整血液微循环;治疗各年龄阶段的突发性耳聋;降低心脑血管疾病危险。
           标准葛根提取物的推荐剂量为6-12片/天(10mg异黄酮/片)以缓解更年期症候群,偏头痛和高血压。也可每天2-3次,每次60-120mg。 作用功效:   

ISO9001,Kosher,Organic certificated
[Product Name]: Puerariae extract
[Botanical Source]: Pueraria Lobata(Wild.)ohwi
[Herbal description]: This product is a leguminous Pueraria lobata Pueraria Lobata ( Willd. ) Ohwi dry root extract. Puerarin from leguminous plants of pueraria root dry. Perennial deciduous vine, up to 10m, all strains were brown coarse hairs. Caudex terete, hypertrophy, bark gray-yellow, internal silty, fibrous strong. Born in the grass slope road and woodland in a damp places. In addition to Xinjiang, Tibet and China have sales throughout.
[Part Used]: Root                
[Appearance]: Brownish-yellow fine powder
[active ingredients]: Isoflavones 40% UV/HPLC, Puerarin 30%
[Water]: not more than 5.0%                                                           [Total ash]: not more than 5%
[Package]: 25/KG per paper drum or packed with little parcel.
[Others]: Sample/ COA / MSDS are available
Expanding brain blood vessel, anti - vas convulsion, enhancing blood stream, improving blood supplying. Reducing cholesterin, reforming platelet function, restraining its collecting .
[Medicinal Use]:
1.Vas expanding drug. Distending the vas of coronary artery and brain, curing micro -blood vessel pathological changes from agedness diabetes, coronary heart disease and brain infarct.
2. Relieve tension in muscles and promote blood circulation
3. decrease myocardial oxygen consumption and resist cancers
4. Increase coronary blood flow and stimulate blood microcirculation
5. Treat sudden deaf of all aged group.
6. decrease the risk of cardiovascular diseases
[Packing Detail]:
Net weight: 25Kg per Drum. Packed in two plastic-bags with paper-drum outside or as per customers request.
[Storage]:Store in a cool, dry and well-sealed container;Keep away from moisture and strong light/heat.
[Shelf life]:Two years under specified environment.
Company: Acetar Bio-Tech Inc.
Add:  Room No.810, 8F, Block B, Huajing Business Building ,No.20 Fenghui South Road, Xi`an, 710075,China
Website Keyword: acetar 
E-mail: tracyli@acetar.com

分析报告Certificate of Analysis
产品名称Product Name  Pueraria P.E. 拉丁名称 Botanical Source  Pueraria Lobata(Wild.)ohwi
生产批号Batch No. TYP100316 生产日期 Manufacturing Date 2010-03-16
生产批量Batch Quantity 1000Kg/40Drums 失效日期Expiration Date 2012-03-15
项目Item 标准Specification 结果Result
指标成分Maker Compounds NLT40%Isoflavones 40.42%  UV
外观Appearance Fine Powder Conforms
颜色Color Brownish-yellow Conforms
气味Odor Characteristic Conforms
味道Taste Characteristic Conforms
使用部位 Part Used Root Conforms
提取溶剂extract solvent Ethanol & Water  
物理性状Physical Characteristics    
粒径Particle Size NLT100%Through 80 mesh Conforms
干燥失重Loss on Drying 5.0% 4.01%
堆积密度 Bulk Density 40-60g/100ml 51.3g/100ml
重金属Heavy metals    
总量Total Heavy metals 20ppm Conforms
砷Arsenic 2ppm Conforms
铅Lead 2ppm Conforms
微生物检测Microbiological Tests    
菌落总数Total Plate Count 1000cfu/g Conforms
酵母菌及霉菌Total Yeast & Mold 100cfu/g Conforms
大肠杆菌E.Coli 阴性Negative Negative
沙门氏菌Salmonella 阴性Negative Negative
葡萄球菌Staphylococcus 阴性Negative Negative
检测者 Tested by:                             日期Date:        2010-03-16                    复核者Approved by:                           日期Date:        2010-03-16                     

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