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放大字体  缩小字体 发布日期:2018-04-26
  1. You do not have a scientific rationale for the environmental monitoring sampling locations in aseptic filling Suites (b)(4). You did not include factors such as smoke study findings, number and location of operators, and historical microbial data in your assessment of hazardous points.
  For example, we found that settling plates are not appropriately placed in critical areas. Your smoke study showed that during set-up and filling, air flows toward the front (when the (b)(4) is open) or back of the RABS. However, two relevant sampling points were recently eliminated. As a result, these points of increased risk are not monitored.
  2. No representative non-viable particle (NVP) monitoring data supports your current ISO-5 classification for the product path from the (b)(4) to the (b)(4), which transfers product to the (b)(4) during aseptic processing of finished drug products.
  During our inspection, we documented that your NVP probes are placed (b)(4) surface instead of near the working area. Placing the probe (b)(4) instead of near the working area means you are unable to detect NVPs where sterile drugs are exposed during aseptic processing.
  Additionally, transferring (b)(4) vials from the filling suite to the (b)(4) can take up to (b)(4). This extended exposure time may increase contamination hazards. However, your firm lacks adequate environmental monitoring of this part of the operation. It is essential that your sampling plan include areas where (b)(4) and product are exposed to the environment, and at greater risk of contamination.
  3. You did not have settling plates located where the risk of product contamination was greatest. For example, your EM program did not include placement of settling plates near the filling zone, the stopper (b)(4), or the incoming track for (b)(4). The (b)(4) filling line settling plate was positioned where filled (b)(4) had already been stoppered.
  4. Poor Personnel Monitoring Technique人员监控技术不当
  Our investigators observed personnel in aseptic manufacturing areas using (b)(4) to sanitize their hands immediately before they touched personnel contact plates. Sanitizing hands immediately before conducting personnel monitoring significantly reduces the likelihood of detecting microbiological contamination in the aseptic manufacturing environment. Indeed, your own training procedures note that employees should not use (b)(4) immediately before performing personnel monitoring.
  5.Personnel Monitoring人员监控
  Deficiencies in your operators’ practices indicate that your manufacturing personnel monitoring program is deficient. For example, in your video of (b)(4) batch (b)(4) manufacturing, we observed an operator entering the RABS and in contact with (b)(4) gloves without sanitizing his gloved hands. These (b)(4) gloves were later worn for aseptic connections, purging filling needles, and interventions on the filling machine.  Furthermore, you do not monitor these operators when they exit the area, so you have no way to determine whether the operators who enter RABS without sanitizing compromise the aseptic environment.
  Additionally, on video and in person, we observed employees with (b)(4) on their hands before EM checks. Sanitizing gloved hands just before sampling is unacceptable because it can prevent recovery of microorganisms. This undermines the reliability of personnel monitoring data.
  6. You failed to follow your SOP MIA/007/R11 “Monitoring of Water for Microbiological Quality” for collecting water samples. During our inspection, we documented that the scheduled water drop points for (b)(4) and (b)(4) water were not sampled.
  你们未能按照SOP MIA/007/R11 “水系统的微生物监控”进行水系统取样。在审计期间,我们记录了按照计划应取样的取样点xxx和xxx未进行取样。
  However, according to the analytical raw data work sheet, microbiological testing was performed for water sampling points (b)(4). We confirmed during the inspection that these samples were not, in fact, collected by your microbiologist.
  7. On August 6, 2014, when collecting finger dab samples of the (b)(4) gloves, your microbiologist failed to ensure that each finger touched the surface of the (b)(4) sampling plate.
  8. Your active air sampling is deficient. The microbiologist sprays the “(b)(4)” of the air sampler where (b)(4) with (b)(4), followed by wiping with a cloth. The media plate is loaded onto the air sampler (b)(4) later. There is no assurance that residual (b)(4) does not impact the detection of contaminants.
  9. During our inspection, we noted that you have no justification for two different action levels for finger dab results. While you have an ISO 5 action level of (b)(4) CFU for set-up personnel, you use an ISO 6 action level of (b)(4) CFU for operators who do not routinely participate in aseptic processing operations using the RABS.
  在检查期间,我们注意到你们手指碟的结果有两个不同的行动限却没有理由。在RABS,ISO5级的准备的人员,你们的行动现是xxx CFU,而对无菌灌装的日常操作人员却使用ISO6的xxx CFU。
  However, the inspection found that these “ISO 6 operators” made ISO 5 interventions, including within the (b)(4) laminar airflow hood (LAF) and the RABS. Notably, when >(b)(4) CFU was recovered from an “ISO 6 operator” who had accessed the RABS during an intervention, your firm did not consider the result to be outside the action limit.
  然而,检查中我们发现这些“ISO6操作人员”进行了ISO5级的干涉活动,包括在xxx层流罩(LAF)和RABS内。显然,当大于xxx CFU的微生物从“ISO6级操作人员”(进入RABS进行干涉活动的人员)采样产生时,你们未考虑这个结果是超出行动限的(ISO5级的行动限)。
  10. We note that your firm prepares the media plates used for EM sampling at your site.  Prior to using these plates, your firm incubates them for (b)(4) and we are concerned that this practice may compromise the media’s growth promotion potential. Provide evidence to demonstrate that pre-incubation of the media plates does not adversely impact the ability to promote microbial growth. Absent evidence to support this practice, you lack critical information demonstrating the suitability of the Class 100 production environment to assure product sterility.
  11. Your environmental monitoring data is not reliable because of the materials you use to conduct EM tests.
  On February 6, 2015, our investigator observed (b)(4) environmental monitoring plates previously incubated at (b)(4) C being used for surface and personnel monitoring. Three of (b)(4) plates showed signs of desiccation. Media was shrinking away from the edge of microbial plates.
  On February 13, 2015, our investigator observed signs of drying on three of (b)(4) plates used for water samples and four of (b)(4) plates used for bio-burden.
  12.The agar level on surface contact plates (used for surface environmental and personnel monitoring sample testing) was below the rim of the plates creating the possibility that the agar would not have contact with the surface intended to be sampled.
  13. For example, there was no scientific justification for the sampling plans utilized for environmental monitoring in areas that your firm uses to manufacture terminally sterilized injectables. This included the frequency and locations of viable airborne particulate sampling activities, the locations of non-viable airborne particulate sampling activities, the frequency and locations of non-product contact surface monitoring, and the evaluation of microorganisms found through environmental monitoring activities. Your environmental monitoring program was insufficient to detect contamination of concern, including mold observed on the clean side of the air filters supplying air to the sterile filling areas. In addition, your environmental monitoring records do not identify the locations from which environmental monitoring samples were taken in each manufacturing area and room including, but not limited to: viable airborne particulate monitoring, non-viable airborne particulate monitoring, and large non-product contact surface area monitoring. Your incomplete records make evaluating the air quality of the filling area during the time prior to this inspection more difficult. In your response, you state that you use a formal risk assessment to justify the type, extent, frequency, and location of sampling and test procedures. Xxx also will create a procedure for periodic reassessment of that risk assessment to incorporate any relevant new or emerging information, and you will continue to conduct bioburden testing.
  Although we acknowledge your use of formal risk assessments in implementing these revised environmental monitoring procedures and bioburden testing, your response is still deficient. In your response, you downplay the product quality and safety impacts posed by the mold observed on the clean side of HEPA filters supplying air to your sterile filling areas on the grounds that products made in these areas are terminally sterilized. Please note that sterile products should be protected from microbiological contamination during processing, even when terminally sterilized, in order to minimize sterilization challenge and byproducts of excessive bioburden.
  14. Your firm failed to conduct thorough investigations of your environmental monitoring (EM) excursions (i.e., exceeds action levels) found in your Class 100 areas.  During the inspection, the review of the available data for the period of January 2012 to December 2013 revealed that your firm identified 23 EM samples that exceeded action levels in the Class 100 aseptic area on Line (b)(4) in your building identified as Hikma (b)(4). Our review of the investigations collected during the inspection noted that all investigation reports identified “possible root causes” of the EM excursions as mishandling and/or poor aseptic technique during sampling.  In all of these investigations you were unable to determine an actual root cause; yet, you disregarded the EM excursions without justification.  In addition, your firm failed to evaluate the potential impact of these EM excursions on the quality of the product manufactured.
  贵公司未对100级区环境监控超标进行彻底的调查。在审计中,2012年1月至2013 年的已有监控数据检查表明,在楼宇Hikma xxx中的灌装线xxx的100级区有23个环境监控样品超出行动限。审计时审核的调查报告表明所有的调查报告均显示,环境超标的“可能原因”为环境监控时操作错误和/或无菌操作不当。所有的调查均未调查出根本原因,然而,你们却舍弃掉了超标的结果,未有科学的评估。此外,你们未评估环境超标对产品质量的影响。
  15.There is a lack of assurance that you maintain your manufacturing environment in a state of control suitable for aseptic processing.
  Environmental Monitoring 环境监控
  For example, you did not utilize environmental monitoring data to identify environmental control issues and identify appropriate follow-up actions. There were repeated out-of-action-level (OAL) results from microbial testing, but you did not examine the data for trends or take appropriate follow-up action.  Your SOP “No. MIP/047/R7 Microbiological evaluation of Clean Rooms and Other Controlled Environments of Suite (b)(4) Area” describes OALs as (b)(4) CFU for setting plates inside the RABS (ISO 5) and (b)(4) CFUs for your ISO 6 area.
  例如,你们未使用环境监控数据识别环境控制的问题并制定合适的行动计划。你们有重复的微生物检测OAL(超行动限),然而你们未进行趋势分析或者采取合适的行动。你们的SOP“编号MIP/047/R7 洁净区和其他受控环境的微生物评价”将OAL定义为RABS (iso5)的沉降菌为xxx CFU,ISO6级区为xxx CFU。
  In 2014, you reported 375 OAL results (b)(4) or more CFUs in your ISO 6 area. Then, on January 31, 2015, you obtained OAL results of (b)(4) or more CFUs during the manufacture of (b)(4) Injection ((b)(4)) in Suite (b)(4). You also obtained OAL levels from the settle plates inside the RABS ((b)(4) CFU near the (b)(4)), and (b)(4) CFUs were recovered from the air sampling point near the (b)(4). From February 6-7, 2015, you obtained OAL results of (b)(4) or more colony-forming unit (CFU) in three critical ISO 5 areas of Suite (b)(4) during the manufacture of (b)(4) Injection ((b)(4)):
  2014年,你们在ISO6级区报告了375个OAL结果(大于等于xxx CFU)。然后,在2015年1月31日,你们在生产xxx注射剂的手套箱内得到了大于等于xxx CFU的OAL结果。你们也在xxx附近的RABS内的沉降碟得到了大于等于xxx CFU的OAL结果,从xxx附近的浮游菌得到了大于等于xxx CFU的OAL结果。从2015年2月6日到7日,在生产xxx注射剂时,你们手套箱xxx的ISO5级区得到了大于等于xxx CFU的OAL结果。
  ?(b)(4)—(b)(4) CFUs;
  ?(b)(4)—(b)(4) CFUs (fungi真菌);
  ?(b)(4)—(b)(4) CFUs
  16. b. In your ISO-5 and ISO-7 environments, the building management system (BMS) monitoring differential pressure and the non-viable particle monitoring system (NVPMS) for non-viable particles appear to be out of control. For example:
  ?We found 456,201 alarmed events registered in the computer system monitoring differential air pressures between your ISO-5, ISO-7, and ISO-8 manufacturing environments from February 14, 2013, through September 26, 2014.
  ?We also found 16,415 alarmed events registered in NVPMS for Suite (b)(4) ISO-5 areas, and 17,809 for Suite (b)(4), from October 2012 to September 2014.
  You did not conduct a comprehensive evaluation and risk assessment to determine how these frequent events affecting the aseptic processing areas may have compromised product quality.
  c. Your firm failed to identify the source of gram-negative contamination in your ISO 7 area and to implement appropriate corrective actions and preventive actions.
  c. 贵公司未调查出ISO-7级区的革兰氏阴性菌的污染源,从而采取合适的纠正和预防措施。
  In your ISO-7 Suite (b)(4), you identified Pseudomonas, sp. during passive air sampling collected from your passage way, in (b)(4) rooms (b)(4) and (b)(4). You did not evaluate the potential routes of contamination.
  Your evaluation of environmental microbial data should not be narrowly limited to specific lots or events. Trend analysis, identifying sources of contamination, and risk assessment are essential to maintain adequate microbiological control.
  This violation is recurrent. On September 9, 2013, we cited your firm in Warning Letter 320-13-26 for failure to establish an adequate environmental monitoring system. To assure drug sterility, it is vital for you to vigilantly maintain environmental control throughout aseptic operations.
  17. In addition, your firm failed to establish maximum holding times for vials used in media fills, prior to incubation. Your media fill protocol for batch (b)(4) does not establish a set timeframe between completion of filling vials and placing filled vials in the incubators. Our investigator found that, during a media fill operation you filled the vials on July 24 and July 25, 2012, and did not incubate them until July 30, July 31, and August 1, 2012. Your manager attributed the delay to lack of space to perform the visual inspection and to personnel resource constraints. Upon completion of filling the media fill vials, the vials should be incubated under conditions (time and temperature) adequate to allow detection of microorganisms that might otherwise be difficult to culture. Data should be maintained to show monitoring of, and conformance to, those conditions.
  Your response indicates that you initiated a change control to have a maximum hold time of (b)(4) from end of filling to start of incubation of the media fill vials. In your response, provide your justification for the (b)(4) maximum hold time. In addition, specify the required storage conditions for the media vials during this hold period and their justification. In you response please also provide a summary of your assessment regarding whether the vial hold conditions between filling and incubation for batch (b)(4) affected the conclusions of your media fill studies, including whether you plan to repeat the studies and the rationale supporting this decision.
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