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品牌: BioAssay Systems
商品型号: DIHM-048
产品规格: DIHM-048
单价: 面议
起订: 1
供货总量: 11111
发货期限: 自买家付款之日起 1 天内发货
所在地: 江苏 苏州市
有效期至: 长期有效
最后更新: 2017-04-03 01:32
浏览次数: 624

产品名称 :亚铁血红素测试盒 | QuantiChrom™ Heme Assay Kit分类名称 :血液尿液化学,代谢产物分析产品介绍 :

产品说明  亚铁血红素是卟啉家族中的重要成员,既可用来合成线粒体和细胞质,也是血红蛋白、细胞色素、过氧化氢酶和过氧化物酶等蛋白质的关键辅基。亚铁血红素被广泛的应用于各种血液疾病的检测中。在科研和药物研发中,方便、直接、自动化的亚铁血红素浓度检测手段是最为理想的。本公司研制的亚铁血红素检测试剂盒通过这将亚铁血红素转化为有色物质,在波长为400 nm下检测,其颜色深浅程度与亚铁血红素的含量成正比。通过配方的改良,充分减小了未处理的样品中其他杂质的干扰,同时也提高了灵敏度。

产品用途 1.直接检测血清、血浆、尿液和亚铁血红素酶中的亚铁血红素含量。2.适用于药理学研究,检测药物对亚铁血红素代谢的影响。3.适用于新药开发,高通量筛选影响亚铁血红素含量的药物。

产品特点  测量敏感、准确:在96孔板中测试,亚铁血红素的线性测试范围在0.6-125 μM。简单、高通量:整个测试过程只需加入一种工作试剂并读取吸光度。利用96孔板的高通量检测手段,每天可以测试上千份样本。安全:试剂无毒性。多功能性:检测可以在96孔板或比色皿中进行。


DEscriptION  Heme is one important member of the porphyrin family. It is synthesized in both mitochondria and cytoplasm, and is a key prosthetic group for various essential proteins such as hemoglobin, cytochromes, catalases and peroxidases. Heme determination is widely practiced by researchers of various blood diseases. Simple, direct and automation-ready procedures for measuring heme concentration are becoming popular in Research and Drug Discovery. Our Heme Assay Kit is based on conversion of heme into a uniform colored form. The intensity of color, measured at 400 nm, is directly proportional to the heme concentration in the sample. The optimized formulation substantially reduces interference by substances in the raw samples and exhibits high sensitivity.

APPLICATIONS   Direct Assays: total heme in blood, serum, plasma, urine, heme carrying enzymes. Pharmacology: effects of drugs on heme metabolism. Drug Discovery: HTS for drugs that modulate heme levels.

KEY FEATURES  Sensitive and accurate. Linear detection range 0.6 – 125 μM heme in 96-well plate assay. Simple and high-throughput. The “mix-and-read” procedure involves addition of a single working reagent and reading the optical density. Can be readily automated as a high-throughput assay in 96-well plates for thousands of samples per day. Safety. Reagents are non-toxic. Versatility. Assays can be executed in 96-well plate or cuvet.

STORAGE CONDITIONS  The kit is shipped room temperature. Store reagent and Calibrator at 4°C. Shelf life: at least 6 months.

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