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厂家直销 颗粒料包装机

品牌: 华夏奥特
商品型号: AT-KC420
产品规格: AT-KC420
单价: 98000.00元/
起订: 1
供货总量: 100
发货期限: 自买家付款之日起 1 天内发货
所在地: 河南 郑州市
有效期至: 长期有效
最后更新: 2017-07-02 10:06
浏览次数: 601


AT-KC420颗粒全自动包装机适合于糖果、巧克力、小饼干、花生、瓜子、大米、种子、开心果、咖啡豆、青豆、白砂糖、小饼干、食盐、鸡精、味精、干燥剂等颗粒状或小片状物料的自动化包装。Suitable for automatic packaging particle materials like all kinds of sweets, chocolate, biscuits, peanuts, nuts,rice,grain,seeds,pistachio,coffee beans,lima beans,sugar,salt and desiccant. 特点:Features 1.进口PLC、人机界面控制系统,触摸屏操作简便、直观。2.伺服送膜系统,定位准确,封切位置均采用自动纠偏装置,自动化程度高。3.采用智能温控器、温度控制准确,保证封口美观、平整。4.完善的自动报警保护功能,将损耗减到最低。5.本机与计量装置配套即可自动完成送料、计量、充填制袋、日期打印的全部包装过程,并自动完成计数。6.制袋形式:本机可以根据客户需要制成枕式袋、打孔挂袋。imported PLC control system, simple-operating, visual touch screw.Servo film feeding system, correct register, sealing and cutting positions adopt automatic correction device, high automation.Intelligent temperature controller is used, correct temperature control, ensure nice, smooth seal.Perfect automatic alarming protective function, reduce the consumption up to the lowest.When the machine is combined with metering equipments, full packaging process including automatic feeding, metering, bag filling, date printing and automatic counting is completed.Type of bag making: according to customer's demand, the machine can produce pillow bags, punched hanging bags. 主要技术参数 :Main Technical parameter包装速度 Packing speed :   15-70bags/min制袋尺寸Bag-making size: (L)80-300mm(W)80-200mm计量范围Filling range:     150-2000ml计量方式Measurement mode:四斗秤称重包装材料Packing materials: OPP/CPP PET/PE 等复合材料包装膜宽Film width:       180-420mm薄膜厚度Film thickness:    0.04-0.08mm耗气量Air consumption:    0.36m3/min 0.6MPa电源功率Power supply:     AC220V 50/60Hz 3.5kw机器尺寸Machine dimensions:(L)2100×(W)2000×(H)3500mm整机重量Machine weight:    900kg

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