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品牌: 弘通石化
单价: 面议
起订: 1
供货总量: 100
发货期限: 自买家付款之日起 2 天内发货
所在地: 江苏 无锡市
有效期至: 长期有效
最后更新: 2017-07-09 08:05
浏览次数: 629

分散机厂家无锡|弘通石化|分散机直销 产品主要用途/Main purpose of the products适用干涂料、染料、颜料、油墨、造纸、胶水、化妆品等行业对液体及液-固相物料讲行搅伴、溶解和分散。It is used for stirring, dissolving and dispersing of liquid and liquid-solid phase materials in coating, dye, paint, ink, paper, glue, cosmetics and other industries. 产品主要特点/Main features of the products搅拌、分散时空气吸留极少,混合与调匀效果极佳,用中、高速搅拌、分散可使物料迅速溶解,颗粒度小。分散机运转分高速、双速、调速、液压升降高度从0.8M一1.5M以满足不同的产量和工艺要求。Extremely little air is absorbed during stirring and dispersing, therefore the mixing and even regulating result is excellent. The materials will be quickly dissolved with low granularity degree by stirring and dispersing at intermediate and high speed. Rotation speed modes of the dispersing machine include high speed, double-speed and speed regulating and the hydraulic pressure scope is within 0.8M一1.5M which can meet different requirements for output and process. 联系人:熊树伟电话:0510-82950968手机:13338110818

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